Interview for Ayurveda license in UAE

  • by Admin
  • Ayurveda, MOH, UAE, interview

Candidates who successfully pass the written examination would be called for interview in their field of specialty.

An examination board consisting of professionals from different specialties conducts the interviews. As per needs and requirements, the examination board may invite TCAM professionals from the private sector to assist in conducting the interviews.

Successful candidates who have passed both written and oral/practical examinations would then be awarded the license to practice in their field of specialty.

For example, Chinese medicine practitioners would be interviwed by Traditional Chinese Medicine examining committee. Likewise other practitioners such as Chiropractors, Homeopaths, Herbalists, etc. would be sent to special interviewing committees. This would be held as soon as possible after results are announced. (Usually within a week).

You have to appear for an interview in front of a panel of experts with original documents and CV. Preparing CV / resume

You must be dressed well preferably in suite.

For specific informations on each specialites and the interview, join our online course. Click here »

Interview for Ayurveda license in UAE -

Sudhin commented:

Am a Ayurveda therapist I stadied 1 year Ayurveda panchakarma and inter national spa therapy course in sree sanakaracharya Sanskrit university reganal center Ettumanoor how I can apply for dha certificate I hv 3 year work experience in this feeld plz help me to apply dha certificate

Dr Muna commented:

Would you please send me the legislation for Homeopathy practice within the UAE. Is there a law issued for the use of homeopathy within DUBai by DHA? thanks

Gokul krishnan commented:

I am an Ayurveda therapist with 1 year experience in India and 1 year in Russia . Presently i am working in Russia and i would like to work in Dubai or Oman . Is it possible to work in Dubai with MOH . What are the formalities should i do to write the exam.(moh & dha)

Jyothis v commented:

I m Ayurveda doctor.. I have to write dha exam and dataflow.. What are the procedures for that??

Sanathkumar commented:

Sir I am a B.A.M.S doctor in 2003 I completed my degree.worked in many hospital. Since 15 yrs I am practicing modern medicine. So may I get any jobs in UAE....reply. Thank you.

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